Abasizikazi - Prayer Women’s League

Abasizikazi - Prayer Women’s League

Parish Chairperson: 

Mrs Sthembile Mtshali

Cell: 0823071138

E-mail: sthelutmts@gmail.com

The Prayer Women’s League (PWL), or Abasizikazi in isiZulu, provides a platform for women to work and pray for the growth of God’s kingdom amongst all people. They provide spiritual and material support to its members, as well as to the congregations and community as a whole. Weekly meetings are held in the congregations and homes are visited, especially to give support in times of personal crisis. Meetings on a parish, circuit, and diocesan level include Bible studies, praise and worship, and speeches and discussions on a broad range of social issues. 
The Motto of the PWL is: 
“Work and pray for the growth of God’s Kingdom amongst all.”